This is a example of the CreatePrescription export, this will allow you to add the data to items via metadata that can be used and have effects.
local function givePrescriptionMed(src)
local random = math.random(1,100)
local luck = 50
if random >= luck then return end
local meds = {
name = 'zombix',
usableitem = 'zombix',
uses = 3,
label = 'Zombix 250 MG',
description = 'Zombix 250 MG',
price = 500,
icon = 'fa-solid fa-briefcase-medical',
effect = 'stamina',
value = 1.4,
timecycle = 'drug_wobbly',
strength = 0.56,
time = 30,
exports.MrNewbPrescriptions:CreatePrescription(src , meds)
RegisterNetEvent('qb-drugs:server:giveStealItems', function(drugType, amount)
local src = source
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(src)
if not Player or StolenDrugs == {} then return end
for k, v in pairs(StolenDrugs) do
if drugType == v.item and amount == v.amount then
exports['qb-inventory']:AddItem(src, drugType, amount, false, false, 'qb-drugs:server:giveStealItems')
table.remove(StolenDrugs, k)