Heres a list of common questions and answers around the script :)


Why is the car still on when I get out?

This is a preference available in the config, search for

EngineRemainsOnWhenExiting = false,									-- set this to true to keep a vehicle running when exiting it, this is a more realistic approach where youd have to turn it off when getting out or leave it on if you want to plan an escape etc.
How do I make my script work with keys?

You will need to add the exports for the key grants, please see the export documentation.


Do lockpicks work?

Yes, these are registered as usable items located in the init file for "lockpick" and "advancedlockpick".

If you use a house robbery that registers it then that one will take priority but the codes open for them if any adjustment is needed.

My Police/EMS Jobs are getting a ton of keys, is there any way to make them have less?

In the config, there is a section called JobBypassKeys. Add the job name and vehicle spawn model there. For example, police officers don't need to be given keys to police vehicles.

My Friends Cant Drive My Car Without Hotwiring it!

When using item-based keys, you can either give them the key directly or purchase a spare key from the locksmith. If not using item-based keys, you can grant access using the /givekeys command or manage keys through the /keyring command.

I own a car but its not in my garage table, how can I get a spare?

Due to how frameworks store owned vehicles (e.g., player_vehicles), these are the only tables the locksmith supports. Scripts like trucking scripts will need to grant keys upon vehicle spawn. We are included as a default config in many scripts, including lc_truck_logistics within their lc_utils.

Is there a way we can use keys without needing the item?

Yes! The config supports this option

Config.ItemBasedSettings = {
	using_key_items = true -- set to false to not use keys as items :)
Do you have backwards compatibility with qb-vehiclekeys events?

Yes, All standard qb-vehiclekey events are available to use. It is highly recommended to use the direct exports for the scrips enhanced features though.

Last updated