To install MrNewbVehicleKeys to the core you will need use this snippet, This will need to be adjusted in any third party admin menus in a similar method.
Step #1 GiveKeys
-- Find This in qbx_core/config/server.lua aprox around line 114
giveVehicleKeys = function(src, plate, vehicle)
return exports.qbx_vehiclekeys:GiveKeys(src, vehicle)
-- Paste this in in its place
giveVehicleKeys = function(src, plate, vehicle)
local netId = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(vehicle)
return exports.MrNewbVehicleKeys:GiveKeys(src, netId)
Step #2 hasKeys
-- Find This in qbx_core/config/client.lua aprox around line 80
--- Only used by QB bridge
hasKeys = function(plate, vehicle)
return exports.qbx_vehiclekeys:HasKeys(vehicle)
-- Paste this in in its place
--- Only used by QB bridge
hasKeys = function(plate, vehicle)
if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then return exports.MrNewbVehicleKeys:HaveKeys(vehicle) end
return false
Please note, if you are using an alternative admin menu that registers the command /car you will need to add my exports there as well.